Fantastic day yesterday for Tenties at the All Dogs Sports Spectacular at Durak (Aug 2019)
Judge Mrs S McMahon (NSW) announced to everyone how impressed she was with all our Tenties. She said the type of the dogs were very similar, she loved their heads and thought the temperaments were also very good. She backed up her comments with awarding 3 classes in group to Tenterfield Terriers.
Minor puppy in group - Tappakai Hot Dreams (right) owned by J & C Bourke
Puppy in group - Charbon Radiant Light (middle) owned by C & J Chambers
Junior in group - Nudimah Hot Topic (left) D & M Holt
Judge, Mr Joao Machado (Brazil) awarded Ch Nudimah Top Topic Freddie, Best of Breed, Junior of Breed and the Perpetual Trophy for Best of Breed at this year's Sporting Terrier Show held on Sunday 18th August 2019. Our thanks goes to Jenny and Cec Chambers for campaigning Freddie to his Championship title and this award as well, you both have done a brilliant job with him, he is such a lovely boy and we are very proud of his achievements to date.
Charbon Radiant Light (Millie)
Best Puppy in group
All Dogs Sports Spectacular at Durak
Judge Mrs S McMahon (NSW)
Very happy with Millie's results on the weekend.
Neut Ch Atenta Tina Sparkles won Runner Up Neuter in Show at the Sporting Terrier Club of Qld, judge Mr Joao Machado (Brazil) she is a treasure to show always does her best.
One of our young girls (Meggie) did well on Sunday 20/10/2019, Nudimah Megs a Spicy Diva was awarded Minor in Group at the
Dog of the Year Support Show by Ms P Taylor (Canada)